The counterfeiters were more astute and ingenious. That they are spoofing not only goods made in factories, now even natural products like eggs. Fake eggs that have been circulating quite widely believed in Surabaya and was met at the food vendors in front of the children's school.
The issue of fake or synthetic egg was sticking out after a few days ago the President Director (CEO) PD Pasar Ganies Purnomo Surya Surabaya A look suspicious eggs in front of an elementary school in the area Dapukan, North Surabaya.
According Ganies, boiled eggs that are sold along with other foods, like meatballs and sausage bulb, it is somewhat different from the egg in general. Egg yolk is very dominant in comparison with egg white. In addition, the yolk also gathered on the edge, not at the center of the egg as usual.
"Because before reading the news about fake eggs are circulating in China, I spontaneously bought eggs as it passes in front of an elementary school because it costs only Rp 1,000. I suspect, maybe the eggs are sold the food trade is false. My suspicions became stronger after seeing his condition and tasted it. It's different. I am sure this is a fake egg, "said Surya Ganies when contacted.
Wanting to further reveals the content of the egg, on Friday (24/10), Ganies then sent samples of eggs bought it to the Central Food and Drug Administration for investigational Surabaya.
"Foods that should be investigated immediately suspicious because many children who menggemarinya as bulb or sausage," said Ganies.
With the cheap price and the taste is not much different from the original egg, Ganies estimated circulation of fake eggs was quite extensive. Therefore, sellers are dyed hard-boiled egg sauce in front of the school, said he wholesale egg of the PPI market in Jalan Gresik, Surabaya. He also anticipated, traders took the egg in the PPI market is larger than the supplier.
Head of Inspection and Investigation BPOM Apt Surabaya Dra Harlina Samadi confirmed that it had received reports and submissions from Ganies egg samples. However, Harlina said, BPOM has not done the research because the sample is considered inadequate.
"Examples are given only a single egg. We will carefully abortion after getting more samples. We'll find your own samples on the market on Monday (27/10). But, in fact, far more important is to make sure where it came from the egg, "said Herlina.
In the meantime, told a news site on the internet, poultry expert from the University of Airlangga (Airlangga University) Dr CA Nidom ensure that the egg is indeed unnatural false aliases.
After researching, Nidom is certainly not the eggs revealed the original egg, and made from ingredients harmful to health such as melamine (an ingredient of fertilizer and the manufacture of plastic colorants), alum (water purifying substances), carbide and paraffin (a kind of wax).
"I can confirm this fake eggs. From the texture, it is clear this is not chicken eggs but the eggs are made from synthetic materials which we kawatirkan," explained Nidom was quoted as saying by the news site.
When contacted separately, Division Head of Health Department of Animal Husbandry Surabaya, Irawan Subiyanto claimed to have heard about the fake eggs. However, Irawan not yet dared to make sure the truth of the news because it did not investigate them.
Only, if it is true that eggs are synthetic fake alias, then this is very worrying. Moreover, if later proved that the circulation of fake eggs here are from China.
"If the eggs were imported from China, certainly not small in number. It's dangerous to consumers, "said Irawan. Based on information extracted Surya, from synthetic eggs in China is from Guanzhou province.
Irawan's knowledge, synthetic eggs that have been circulating in China contain many chemicals that are very dangerous. Synthetic egg white in eggs that contain elements of gelatin as well as chemicals that are aluminum. While the yolk is taken from the lemon-flavored beverage dyes. Egg shell or synthetic leather that berunsur paraffin.
These substances, it is clear Irawan, harmful to health. If consumed repeatedly, the impact is the occurrence of dementia syndrome-a syndrome of memory loss caused by someone chemicals.
"If elementary school children often consume synthetic eggs, then their ability to memorize anything new teachers are taught to be declining," said Irawan.
Moreover, he added, liver and kidney dysfunction also become an effect arising from the consumption of synthetic eggs continuously.
Meanwhile, a nutritionist from the Faculty of Public Health (FKM) Airlangga University, Prof. Bambang Wirjatmadi said until now he has never found the egg imitation.
So far he knew was engineered salted eggs from hens' eggs (instead of duck eggs). Broilers and eggs used as chicken eggs, in order to gain greater profits. In addition, there is also engineered with a salty egg using a syringe media.
Engineering chicken eggs into duck eggs (salted) is usually done using paint. Instead broiler chicken eggs can be manipulated into chicken eggs, with leather polish chicken broiler eggs are small.
According to Irawan, Animal Husbandry Department has actually applying the maximum security in terms of a missed prevent the circulation of harmful foods derived from livestock. However, the greatest role of prudence is in fact the people themselves in consuming food